
Participation in the 1-800-JANITOR Marketing Program will ensure that your company grows larger, faster. Simply follow these easy to use marketing tools, and your new-lead phone calls will increase by 15% to 25%:

1. Van Signs:

Print 1-800-JANITOR in 4” to 6” letters, on both sides and the rear of your company vans.

You may say, “But my company name is printed on my vans. I don’t want to diminish the value of my company name.”

At 1-800-JANITOR, we understand this concern. We ask you to consider this: Your business depends on phone calls for new customers. We understand the value your company name, and we are not saying to remove your company name from your vans. Your company vans have 30 seconds to make a powerful first impression, and 1-800-JANITOR says what you do, and how to contact you, all in one. Where does the 30 seconds come in?

Each company van stops at 30 traffic signals every day (on average). At each traffic signal, there is a car next to you, the car behind that one, and the car directly behind the van. During that stop, three drivers are seeing your 1-800-JANITOR (what you do and how to contact you fast). That’s 120 viewers every day, or 31,200 times 1-800-JANITOR is imbedded into the memory of those drivers (one van), in one year. The average driver does not have pen and paper ready to write down your company name. With 1-800-JANITOR, the job is done simply by sight.

2. Cost:

We hear, “But I have already paid to have my vans lettered. It’s expensive.”

Solution:Janitorial jobs are residual income. That’s why you are smart enough to be in this business already. How many new customers in one year, does 1-800-JANITOR need to produce for my company, to reimburse me for the change-of-van signs investment? One new customer, per-van.

3. Question:

How many new customers does 1-800-JANITOR need to generate for me, in one year, to cover my monthly participation in 1-800-JANITOR? In most cases, one new Customer over the entire year.

4. Marketing Ideas:

Consider that all you need to say in your ad is 1-800-JANITOR, and your company name. The
number really says it all.

  • Website Home Page – Statistics proves that your website has 7-10 seconds to catch their attention. 1-800-JANITOR makes the statement “We are so secure and professional that we make it easy for you to remember how to call us.
  • Craig’s List (free ad)
  • Val-Pak Business decision makers get Val-Pak at home every month. When a partner hears their husband or wife complain about their office’s poor janitorial service, you’ll remember 1-800-JANITOR. We are all shoppers for a good value. Even wealthy people flip though the Val-Pak once a month.
  • Radio Ads Argument against radio ads: “You must be kidding, do you know how much radio ads cost?
    Solution: Your ad says – “Does your business need a good janitor? Call one eight hundred janitor, that’s one eight hundred janitor.” (5 seconds). Every radio ad will spike your calls. How many new customers do you need to pay for 12, five-second radio ads. In most cases, one.
  • Work Shirts and Caps: When your staff stops at the grocery store on their way home, they are advertising you.
  • Billboards These come later, when your business budget is ready.

Remember, The larger the number is printed, the greater the memory retention to the viewer.